The pros and cons of getting a college degree to start a successful business

Nov 6, 2023

Whether or not to get a college degree to start a successful business is a decision that many people face. There are pros and cons to both options, and it’s important to weigh them carefully before making a decision.


  • Networking: College provides opportunities to meet people from all walks of life and build relationships that can last a lifetime. This can be especially beneficial for entrepreneurs, who can network with potential customers, partners, and investors.
  • Specialized knowledge and skills: Some businesses require specialized knowledge and skills that can be obtained through a college degree. For example, if you want to become a doctor, engineer, or lawyer, you will need to earn a degree from an accredited university.
  • Credibility: A college degree can lend credibility to your business and make you more attractive to potential customers and investors. In some cases, a degree may be required to obtain certain licenses or certifications.


  • Cost: College can be expensive, especially in the United States. The average cost of tuition and fees for a four-year public university is over $20,000 per year. This can be a significant financial burden, especially for students who have to take out student loans.
  • Time commitment: College can take four or more years to complete. This can be a long time to wait to start your business, especially if you have the entrepreneurial itch.
  • Relevance to your business: Not all college degrees are relevant to all businesses. In some cases, you may be able to learn the skills you need to start your business through on-the-job training or online courses.

So, is a college degree necessary to start a successful business? The answer is no. There are many successful entrepreneurs who do not have college degrees. However, there are also many businesses that do require a college degree. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to get a degree is a personal one. You should weigh the pros and cons carefully and make the decision that is right for you.

If you are considering starting a business, I encourage you to do your research and talk to other entrepreneurs to get their advice. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not to get a degree.


How to Beat Procrastination and Get Things Done

Nov 2, 2023

Procrastination is the thief of time. It can hold you back from achieving your goals and living your best life. But there is good news: you can beat procrastination and get things done.

Identify your triggers. What are the things that make you procrastinate? Once you know your triggers, you can start to avoid them or develop strategies for dealing with them. For example, if you tend to procrastinate when you’re feeling overwhelmed, break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Set realistic deadlines. It’s important to set deadlines for yourself, but make sure they’re realistic. If you set a deadline that’s too ambitious, you’re more likely to procrastinate.

Reward yourself. When you complete a task, reward yourself with something you enjoy. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

Get an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone who can help you stay on track and motivated. They can check in with you regularly and offer support and encouragement.

Here are some additional tips for beating procrastination:

  • Start with the hardest task first. This may seem counterintuitive, but getting the hardest task out of the way first can give you a sense of accomplishment and make it easier to tackle the rest of your to-do list.
  • Eliminate distractions. When you’re trying to focus on a task, turn off your phone, close your email, and find a quiet place to work.
  • Take breaks. It’s important to take breaks when you’re working on a task, but don’t let your breaks turn into procrastination sessions. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and get up and move around when the timer goes off.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to complete a task, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a colleague, friend, or family member.

Procrastination is a common problem, but it’s one that you can overcome. By following the tips above, you can learn to beat procrastination and get things done.

What is one thing you can do today to beat procrastination and get started on your most important task?


What Does Dream Big Even Mean?

Nov 2, 2023

Dreaming big is often encouraged, but what does it actually mean?

Dreaming big doesn’t necessarily mean having a multi-million dollar business or a lavish lifestyle. It’s about setting ambitious goals for yourself and working hard to achieve them. It’s about believing in yourself and your ability to make a difference in the world.

What dreaming big looks like will vary from person to person. For some, it may mean starting their own business or becoming a successful entrepreneur. For others, it may mean making a significant impact in their community or field of work. And for still others, it may simply mean living a fulfilling life that they are proud of.

No matter what your dreams are, it’s important to remember that anything is possible. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Here are a few tips for dreaming big:

  • Identify your passions. What are you passionate about? What do you love to do? Once you know what your passions are, you can start to think about how you can turn them into a career or a lifestyle that you love.
  • Set specific goals. Once you know what you want to achieve, set specific goals for yourself. What do you need to do to reach your goals? Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Take action. Don’t just sit around and dream about your goals. Start taking action towards achieving them today. Even small steps can make a big difference in the long run.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail. Everyone fails at some point in their lives. It’s part of the learning process. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from dreaming big.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend time with can have a big impact on your mindset and motivation. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and your dreams.

Dreaming big is an important part of living a fulfilling life. It gives you something to strive for and helps you stay motivated. If you have dreams, don’t be afraid to go after them. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

What is one small step you can take today towards achieving your dreams?


How to Build a Successful Team

Oct 31, 2023


Building a successful team is essential for any business or organization. But how do you do it? 

Here are a few tips:

  1. Establish clear goals and vision. What do you want your team to achieve? Once you know what you want, you can communicate your goals and vision to your team members so that everyone is aligned.
  2. Get the right people in the right positions. When hiring team members, look for people who have the skills and experience you need, but also make sure they are a good fit for your team culture.
  3. Provide feedback and coaching. Help your team members grow and develop by providing them with regular feedback and coaching. This will help them improve their performance and contribute to the team’s success.
  4. Establish clear expectations. Make sure your team members know what is expected of them in terms of their roles, responsibilities, and deadlines. This will help them stay on track and avoid confusion.
  5. Celebrate successes. When your team achieves a goal, take the time to celebrate their success. This will help boost morale and motivate your team members to continue working hard.

Building a successful team takes time and effort, but it is worth it. By following the tips above, you can create a team that is productive, efficient, and motivated to achieve your goals.

What is one thing you can do today to start building a more successful team?


Clear Perception – Mastering the Art of Looking

Oct 30, 2023

Your perception of the world determines your actions and outcomes. Learn to master the art of looking to see the world clearly and make better decisions.

What is perception?

It’s the way you see the world. It’s shaped by your experiences, your beliefs, and your values. But it’s not always accurate. Sometimes, we make assumptions or see things through a distorted lens.

When we make decisions, our decisions are only as good as the information we have. So if we’re not looking at the situation clearly, we’re more likely to make bad decisions.

That’s why it’s so important to master the art of looking. It’s about more than just pointing your eyeballs at something. It’s about being observant, asking questions, and gathering as much information as possible.

Here are a few tips for looking more clearly:

  • Pay attention to the details. Don’t just skim the surface. Look for the things that are hidden or easy to overlook.
  • Be open-minded. Don’t let your preconceived notions cloud your vision. Be willing to see things from different perspectives.
  • Ask questions. If you’re not sure about something, ask for clarification. Don’t just make assumptions.
  • Gather evidence. Don’t rely on hearsay or your own personal opinions. Gather as much evidence as possible to support your conclusions.

Learning to look more clearly takes time and practice. But it’s a skill that’s worth developing. It will help you make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, and achieve your goals more easily.

Clear perception is essential for success in all areas of life. By mastering the art of looking, you can see the world more clearly and make better decisions.

Challenge yourself to start looking more closely at the world around you. Pay attention to the details, be open-minded, and ask questions. You’ll be surprised at what you see.


Sales Training – Leads Aren’t the Problem, You Are

Oct 25, 2023


The blame game

It’s easy for salespeople to blame bad leads for their lack of success. After all, if the leads are no good, how can they be expected to close deals? However, the truth is that in most cases, the leads are not the problem. The problem is the salesperson.

Common salesperson mistakes

There are a number of common mistakes that salespeople make that can lead to them blaming leads for their lack of success. These mistakes include:

  • Not following up quickly enough. In today’s fast-paced world, buyers expect salespeople to get back to them quickly. If a salesperson takes days or even weeks to follow up with a lead, the lead is likely to lose interest.
  • Not having a clear sales process. A well-defined sales process can help salespeople stay on track and ensure that they are following up with leads in a timely and effective manner.
  • Not being confident in their product or service. If a salesperson doesn’t believe in what they are selling, it will be difficult for them to convince others to buy it.
  • Not being able to handle objections. Objections are a natural part of the sales process. However, if a salesperson is not able to handle objections effectively, they will likely lose the sale.

How to improve your sales performance

If you are a salesperson who is struggling to close deals, the best thing you can do is to focus on improving your own skills and abilities. This includes:

  • Developing a strong follow-up process. Make sure you have a system in place for following up with leads quickly and consistently.
  • Creating a clear sales process. Map out the steps involved in your sales process and make sure you are following them consistently.
  • Building your confidence. Believe in your product or service and your ability to sell it.
  • Learning how to handle objections. Anticipate common objections and develop effective responses to them.

By focusing on improving your own skills and abilities, you can increase your chances of success and stop blaming leads for your lack of results.

What are some of the ways that you are working on improving your sales skills? Share them in the comments below!


One Truth – How to Beat Your Competitors with Speed – Simple Tips.

Oct 24, 2023


Speed is a critical factor in business success. In today’s fast-paced world, customers expect quick responses and timely deliveries. Businesses that can provide these things are more likely to win customers and beat their competitors.

One of the best ways to achieve speed is to establish and follow a “one truth.” A one truth is a shared understanding of the customer’s needs and expectations. When everyone in the organization is working from the same information, it is much easier to make quick decisions and take action.

Here are a few simple tips for establishing and following a one truth:

  • Clearly define your customer’s needs and expectations. What are your customers looking for? What are their pain points? What are their goals?
  • Gather information from all relevant sources. This could include customer surveys, interviews, focus groups, and market research.
  • Document your findings in a central location. This could be a shared document, a wiki, or a CRM system.
  • Make sure everyone in the organization has access to the information. This includes employees in sales, marketing, customer service, and product development.
  • Train employees on the importance of following the one truth. This will help ensure that everyone is making decisions and taking action that are aligned with the customer’s needs.


By following these tips, you can establish one truth that will help you achieve speed in your business. This will give you a competitive advantage and help you win more customers.

What are some of the ways that you are using speed to beat your competitors? Share them in the comments below!


Kick Distractions to the Curb and Crush Your Goals

Oct 23, 2023

How to identify and overcome distractions to achieve your goals

  • Define your goals. The first step to overcoming distractions is to clearly define your goals. What do you want to achieve? Once you know what you’re working towards, you can start to identify activities that are aligned with your goals and those that are not.
  • Review your goals regularly. As you change and grow, your goals may change as well. That’s why it’s important to review your goals regularly and make sure they are still relevant. This will help you stay on track and avoid distractions that are not aligned with your current goals.
  • Work backwards from your goals. Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start to work backwards and identify the steps you need to take to get there. This will help you break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Identify your distractions. Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can start to identify the activities that are distracting you from achieving them. These distractions can be anything from social media to procrastination.
  • Fill your time with positive activities. Instead of focusing on avoiding distractions, focus on filling your time with positive activities that are aligned with your goals. This will help you stay on track and make it less likely that you will be tempted by distractions.
  • Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals. If you find that you are constantly being distracted by certain activities, it may be a sign that your goals are not realistic. Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals to make them more achievable.

Remember, achieving your goals takes time and effort. There will be times when you get off track, but the important thing is to keep moving forward. By following these tips, you can learn to overcome distractions and achieve your goals.

What are some of the distractions that are holding you back from achieving your goals? Share them in the comments below and let’s start a conversation about how to overcome them!


How to Avoid the Time Vampire Traps in Business That Are Sucking Your Life Away

Oct 23, 2023

Time vampires

Time vampires are people or activities that drain your time, energy, and productivity. They can be found in all areas of life, but they are especially prevalent in the business world.

Common time vampires in business

  • Micromanagers – Micromanagers are bosses who constantly hover over their employees, checking their work and second-guessing their decisions. This can be incredibly time-consuming for both the employee and the manager.
  • Meeting addicts – Meeting addicts are people who love to schedule meetings, even if they are not necessary. These meetings can be a major drain on productivity, as they often take away from time that could be spent on other tasks.
  • Gossips – Gossips are people who love to talk about other people. This can be a major distraction, as it can take away from time that could be spent on work.
  • Negative people – Negative people are people who are always complaining or bringing others down. This can be a major drain on morale, as it can make it difficult to stay positive and motivated.
  • Procrastinators – Procrastinators are people who put off tasks until the last minute. This can be a major problem, as it can lead to rushed work and missed deadlines.

How to avoid time vampires

  • Set boundaries – It is important to set boundaries with time vampires. This means letting them know how much time you are willing to spend on their requests. If they are not respectful of your boundaries, you may need to limit your interactions with them.
  • Be assertive – It is important to be assertive with time vampires. This means being able to say no to their requests and to stand up for your own needs. If you are not assertive, they will likely continue to take advantage of your time.
  • Delegate tasks – If you have time vampires on your team, it is important to delegate tasks to them. This will free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks.
  • Take breaks – It is important to take breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout. This will help you to stay refreshed and focused when you are working.
  • Take care of yourself – It is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. This means getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. When you are taking care of yourself, you will be better able to cope with stress and avoid time vampires.

Time vampires can be a major drain on your time, energy, and productivity. However, by following the tips above, you can learn to avoid them and protect your time.

What are some of the time vampires that you have encountered in your career? How have you dealt with them? Share your experiences in the comments below!


Why I Do What I Do?

Oct 20, 2023


Why do we do what we do?

What drives us to get out of bed every morning and face the challenges of the day? For some, it’s the pursuit of wealth or fame. For others, it’s the desire to make a difference in the world. For me, it’s all about helping people.

The Joy of Helping Others

I’ve always been a people person. I love seeing people succeed, and I’m always looking for ways to help others achieve their goals. Whether it’s my staff, my customers, my friends, or my family, I want to see people do well.

Helping others is not just about making them happy. It’s also about making myself happy. When I know I’m making a positive impact on someone’s life, it gives me a sense of purpose and satisfaction. It’s what gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me going when things get tough.

The Ripple Effect of Helping Others

The impact of helping others is often far greater than we realize. When we help someone, we’re not just helping them in the moment. We’re also setting off a chain reaction of positive events that can have a lasting impact on their lives.

For example, when I help a business owner improve their operations, it not only benefits the owner but also their employees and their customers. A happier, more productive workplace leads to better customer service, which leads to more satisfied customers. And that’s just one example.

Never Underestimate the Power of Helping Others

Even the smallest act of kindness can have a big impact. A smile, a kind word, or even just acknowledging someone can make their day and change their outlook on life.

So never underestimate the power of helping others. It’s one of the most rewarding things you can do in life.

Helping others is my passion. It’s what drives me and gives me purpose. I believe that we all have the power to make a positive impact on the world, and I encourage everyone to find ways to help others in their own lives.

What are you passionate about? What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


How to Build Trust with Prospects

Oct 19, 2023

Want to build trust with prospects in sales? Here’s how!

Building trust with prospects is essential for sales success. When prospects trust you, they are more likely to buy from you. But how do you build trust with prospects? Here are a few tips:

  • Ask questions. Show your prospects that you are interested in them and their needs by asking questions. This will also help you to better understand their situation and how you can help them.
  • Be honest and transparent. Be honest about your products or services and what they can do for your prospects. Don’t overpromise and underdeliver.
  • Be professional and knowledgeable. Dress professionally and be prepared to answer questions about your products or services. If you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest and say so.
  • Be responsive and on top of things. If you say you are going to do something, do it. Follow up with your prospects in a timely manner.
  • Be consistent. Deliver the same kind of experience to all of your prospects.


Ask questions

One of the best ways to build trust with prospects is to ask them questions. This shows that you are interested in them and their needs. It also helps you to better understand their situation and how you can help them.

When asking questions, be sure to be specific and avoid asking yes or no questions. Instead, ask open-ended questions that will encourage your prospects to talk about themselves and their business.

For example, instead of asking “Do you have a marketing plan?” you could ask “What are your marketing goals for the next year?” or “What are some of the challenges you are facing with your current marketing efforts?”


Be honest and transparent

Another important way to build trust with prospects is to be honest and transparent. This means being honest about your products or services and what they can do for your prospects. It also means not overpromising and underdelivering.

If you are not sure if your product or service is a good fit for a prospect, don’t be afraid to say so. It is better to be honest upfront than to sell a prospect on something that will not meet their needs.


Be professional and knowledgeable

Prospects are more likely to trust you if you dress professionally and are prepared to answer questions about your products or services. If you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest and say so. Offer to follow up with the prospect once you have found the answer.

It is also important to be knowledgeable about your industry and the competition. This will help you to answer your prospects’ questions intelligently and make them feel confident that you are the right person to help them.


Be responsive and on top of things

If you say you are going to do something, do it. Follow up with your prospects in a timely manner. If you are going to be late, let them know.

Prospects appreciate it when salespeople are responsive and on top of things. It shows that you are organized and that you care about their needs.


Be consistent

Deliver the same kind of experience to all of your prospects. This means being honest, transparent, professional, knowledgeable, responsive, and on top of things.

When you are consistent, your prospects will know that they can trust you. This will make them more likely to buy from you.


Building trust with prospects is essential for sales success. By following the tips above, you can start to build trust with your prospects and increase your sales.


5 Tips on How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Oct 18, 2023

Working smarter, not harder, is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. By following these five tips, you can boost your productivity and efficiency, while also reducing stress and burnout.


  1. Document your processes

This includes both internal processes, for things like training new staff, and customer-facing processes, such as how to place an order or troubleshoot a problem. By documenting your processes, you can create a knowledge base that can be used by everyone in your company, and you can avoid having to answer the same questions over and over again.

  1. Prioritize your tasks

Not all tasks are created equal. Some tasks are more important and urgent than others. It’s important to be able to identify your most important tasks and focus on those first. This can be difficult, especially when you have a lot on your plate, but it’s essential for working smarter, not harder.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your colleagues, manager, or even a virtual assistant. There’s no shame in admitting that you need help, and it can actually make you more productive in the long run.

  1. Celebrate your successes

It’s important to take the time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. It can also help you identify what’s working well and what needs to be improved.

  1. Take breaks

It may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually help you work smarter, not harder. When you’re working on a task for a long period of time, your focus and productivity will start to decline. Taking short breaks throughout the day can help you stay refreshed and focused.

Here are some additional tips for working smarter, not harder:

  • Use the right tools and technology. There are many tools and technologies available that can help you automate tasks and streamline your workflow. Take some time to research and invest in the right tools for your needs.
  • Delegate tasks. If you have the ability to delegate tasks, do it! This will free up your time so that you can focus on the most important things.
  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much at once. Set realistic goals for yourself and break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Take care of yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself will help you have the energy and focus you need to work productively.


Working smarter, not harder, is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. But by following these tips, you can start to see a difference in your productivity and efficiency.