More and more people are getting life coaches, and more and more of those people are in the millennial age group. But some people use the terms “life coach” and “business coach” like they’re the same thing.

Both are there to help you improve, but they’re there to do it in different facets of your life. There are some key differences between the two professions.

The Difference Between a Business and Life Coach

Coaching helps people to build clarity and accountability by talking about their goals.

Especially if you’re an entrepreneur, it’s useful to get guidance on your business endeavors and general coaching.

Main Goals of a Life Coach

Not surprisingly, a life coach is going to focus mainly on the details of your personal life. They may ask you where you see yourself in the future not just in terms of business, but in terms of relationships and living situations as well.

They will ask you personal questions to get to know you better and realize goals you may never have known you had. What would you do if you had no fear? Are you doing anything to move toward your dreams?

Simply put, a life coach is available to you to help you with thinking of your goals in a more tangible manner. They then help you to clearly set those life goals and give you steps on how to achieve them.

Life coaches often make a lower salary than business coaches, but it all differs from individual to individual.

Main Goals of a Business Coach

A business coach is more geared toward, also not surprisingly, helping you reach goals for your business.

They will ask you what you want to pursue in your future career goals, and facilitate ways to make those goals happen. They could help you write a business plan, learn how to communicate more effectively with your employees, or help affirm you in your leadership role.

They’re like a life coach that addresses your business goals. They measure your success by your professional achievements and don’t pay as much attention to your personal life. However, if your personal life is in some way affecting how you run your business, the two might bleed into one another.

Which One Do You Need?

Knowing the differences between having a life coach and having a business coach can help you more easily determine which one will be the most beneficial to your particular set of circumstances.

If you have a business of your own, you can also consider giving your employees tools to work with coaches of their own or get them a motivational speaker to motivate them the same way a life coach or a business coach might.

If you have more personal needs, a life coach is going to help you the most. But if you are trying to boost your business career and feel confident in your personal life, then a business coach can help guide you. Either way, getting a coach is a great way to advance your life professionally or personally.