Did you know that nearly 15 million Americans are self-employed on a full-time basis? The pandemic has set the stage for even more people to become entrepreneurs as businesses close and many in-person jobs are eliminated. The digital entrepreneur is more important than ever, so now could be the time to make your next career move.

But if you don’t want to go it alone or don’t know how to start a business, one of your first steps should be finding a business partner. Here’s how to find the right one.

Consider Current or Former Coworkers

One of the best ways for the digital entrepreneur to find a business partner is to consider current or former coworkers for the job. You already know your coworkers’ work ethics because you have worked with them before. Choose the coworker who you worked well with in the past and who takes an interest in your business.

Ask a Friend

While some people may advise against it, asking a friend to be a tech entrepreneur partner can come with several benefits. You’re probably friends in the first place because you have similar interests, get along, and trust each other. Starting a business together could be a good fit. However, if the business fails, the friendship may not survive unless you have clear boundaries and strong communication from the get-go.

Go with Family

Going with a family member as a business partner might also seem like a recipe for disaster. However, many successful entrepreneurs are related. That could be because family is more likely to have similar mindsets, values, and work ethics. Communication can sometimes be easier between family members. You’ll be less likely to have a falling out if the business doesn’t succeed, as your bond will be too strong to break.


For the digital entrepreneur, networking is probably a no-brainer. Online networking communities are taking the place of in-person networking opportunities nowadays, but they also have the added benefit of reaching more people. That means you’ll have more options and you can find an online networking group for almost any job.

Go to a Business Class or Training

A great way to find a business partner (when you may not even be looking for one) is in a business class or training. A new tech entrepreneur can benefit from a class by learning more about their field and by meeting other people who also have the drive to learn more. You and another student may find that you work well together and have the same ideas — a perfect recipe for a strong partnership.

Find Someone Trustworthy

No matter where you meet your next business partner, you will want to make sure that person is trustworthy. Don’t be afraid to ask for references if you’ve just met a potential partner. You should offer up references for yourself, as trust is a two-way street. It’s also a good idea to take some time to get to know someone before you dive in.

Find Someone Eager

Whether your partner is your sibling, coworker, or someone you’ve just met, they should be eager and excited to start a business with you. If they go into this new venture halfheartedly, they may not be in it for the long haul. You want someone who’s passionate about what they do and someone who wants to succeed.

Find Someone Who Complements You

You don’t need to find a business partner who is completely like-minded. In fact, someone who complements you can make the best partner. You may possess one skill set and your partner will have another. Maybe you have a knack for finances and your partner is more capable of designing a website. You will both bring valuable skills to the table, which can create equality and a nice balance.

The digital entrepreneur may need a little help in the beginning. You may want someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to make up for what you lack, or someone who’s just as willing to put themselves out there. That’s why you should take your time to find the right business partner. Look for one in the obvious places, but don’t be afraid to try unconventional outlets, as well. The main thing is to find someone you’re comfortable with and who you can see yourself building a business with.