As Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies continue to break records, just about every media outlet is calling them a surefire investment. Along with currencies, there are lots of other technology trends that are breaking new ground and becoming even more valuable.

Innovative entrepreneurs should always be looking to support other investments and ventures to diversify their wealth.

Once you’ve built a great business or product, investing in other technology can not only increase your wealth but support other tech innovators. Following tech trends is not only fun, but it can inspire new ideas for your own company and keep your products at the cutting edge of tech.

If you’re looking to start investing, check out these 5 tech trends that are making waves all over the world.

1. IT Re-Engineering Processes

As businesses grow and change, technology aids in finding new and efficient ways of completing everyday tasks. Technology solutions have revolutionized hiring, asset management, and payroll systems. Who knows what other ways the workplace can be re-engineered for the future?

By modernizing the infrastructure and architecture of IT departments, research and delivery systems can be revolutionized. Using the IT restructuring capabilities of the future, every department in just about every industry could see a boost in productivity.

2. A No-Collar Workforce

Automation and artificial technology will redefine the roles of workers in the future. While some portion of the workforce will need to be retrained to understand this technology, others could be replaced or have their roles reinvented.

There will be decades of hybrid human and machine workplace development. Innovative entrepreneurs will be on the ground floor of these developments as they happen. New HR approaches and software could help to handle a dispersed workforce and help to complete cognitive tasks in completely new ways.

3. Enterprise Data Accessibility

In every company, hours of manpower and possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars are invested in data research. Understanding how all of this data can be used will continue to be a part of business development practices.

What we will see in the coming years are new ways to structure data and use it to help with automation. Machine learning takes into account vast amounts of collected data and notable errors to find ways to improve processes.

Software and hardware focusing on machine learning are a great place for entrepreneurs to start investing.

4. New Customer Experiences

The way that customers interact with products and technology will change the field of customer service. Whole industry ecosystems–take car services and taxis, for example–could be upended in new ways.

Customers could be interacting with tablets and mobile interfaces when they visit fast food restaurants. By taking control over your own ordering and customization, human error is eliminated and food waste is greatly cut back on.

Changing the customer experience can send shockwaves through every industry.

5. Augmented Reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are changing the way that users are seeing the world. By adding a layer of history, context, or marketing efforts to a virtual space, experiences of products and public space could be changed forever.

Innovative Entrepreneurs Keep Their Ear To The Ground

Understanding that the capabilities of every technology are explored through experimentation means that tech may not be fully formed when you encounter it. If you can begin to understand the possibilities for a new concept, you can begin to imagine how valuable it can be in the future.

To better understand the tech landscape, check out our guide to 5 things every tech entrepreneur should know.