Every tech entrepreneur knows that running a business is hard work. In fact, of all small businesses started in 2014, only 80% made it to the next year (2015). With everything you have to do, avoiding entrepreneur mistakes can be difficult. So if you’re new to the tech entrepreneurship game, or simply just looking for advice on how to elevate your marketing strategy, check out these two top tips.

Utilize Social Media Marketing

Over 244 million users were logging in to their social media accounts by the end of 2018, and that number is only projected to rise. It is for this reason that incorporating social media platforms into your digital marketing strategy is strongly recommended. There are three main routes you can choose from when developing your strategy, or that you can combine into your strategy. These three options are:

Content Marketing:
Content marketing involves making a social media account for your business or brand, and regularly posting content. Posts can include tutorials, how to videos, customer ratings, advice on how to use your product, informational graphics, etc.

PPC Social Media Ads:
Depending on the brand you’re creating, you may decide that having a social media account just doesn’t make sense. If you don’t want to commit to content creation, consider using social media for targeted ads. Similar to creating ads for websites, you can customize who your ads appear for, and the specific call to action you want them to make. You can even have multiple images in an ad, and add price tags and brand info directly to the post.

Influencer Marketing:
If you decide to go for a middle strategy, you could create adds and pay micro influencers to help market your brand. This would involve paying social media influencers to talk about and review your product or brand and giving their audience a call to action.

tech entrepreneur

Implement SEO Best Practices

SEO, or search engine optimization, is all about increasing the likelihood of searchers finding your website. There are three basic SEO strategies you should be implementing into your marketing strategy. These include:

PPC Ads:
Pay per click ads are ads that you pay for only when a consumer clicks on them. These can be used for social media, google ads, and in your retargeting strategy if your website has a selling platform. PPC ads are broader than social media ads, as they can be placed anywhere on the internet.

Strategic Use Of Keywords:
Keywords help search engines understand what your website is about, so that it can better match your site to search results. Having a tech entrepreneur blog is a great way to incorporate more keywords that are relating to a variety of topics on your page.

Inbound Links:
Inbound links are links to your website that other sites are using. Google for examples assumes that you are a more credible source of information if you have a lot of inbound links to your website, and thus will rank your site higher in search results. Getting other sites to link to your website can happen organically, especially if you have an informational blog thread. You can also email webmasters and ask sites to link to your page if you think their platform could benefit from your information.

Final Thoughts

Taking your brand online is a necessary step if you want to be successful in today’s economy, but it can be stressful trying to figure where to start. However, if you follow these top two tech entrepreneur marketing tips, you’ll have a high traffic website in no time.