paid international speaker

5 Qualities That Distinguish a High-Paid International Speaker

Nov 30, 2020

Do you dream of turning your entrepreneurship knowledge and insight into a paid speaking engagement? Successful paid international speakers such as Raffy Pendery continue to break new grounds globally by fine-tuning their public speaking skills. They can deliver thought-provoking and emotional speeches that leave a memorable impact on their audiences.

Rafferty Pendery continues to do just that. He has gone from starting his first business venture at 11 to becoming a well-known international keynote speaker. While it is vital to have soft skills to become a public speaker, you may need more than just eloquence to make you successful.

Here are five essential traits of a paid international speaker.

paid international speaker

1. Excellent Story-Teller

Every international speaker should be able to tell a story that the audience can resonate with. They can paint a picture through storytelling while teaching vital lessons through their speech. A storyline helps to break your major points into step-by-step instructions for the audience. The listeners can relate to the international speaker’s life through the various mysteries, plot twists, and revelations in the narrative. In the end, you can string all points together to pass a vital message that remains memorable for the audience.

2. Great Audience Awareness

Public speakers need to demonstrate their skills by engaging their audience. Illustrations, case studies, and dialogue can help kill boredom during the presentation. Be creative in coming up with an interactive discussion that makes it fun, both for you and the audience. You can opt to ask questions, story-tell, or engage in body relaxing activities. Additionally, a quick study of the audience can guide you on the topics that would excite them. It means that you may have to be dynamic when coming up with ideas to speak of.

3. Confident

Confidence is an invaluable skill for any paid international speaker. The audience needs to remain enthralled with the message that you are trying to pass. An audience can tell when you are anxious, which may impact the delivery of your speech. Confidence gives you the courage to speak eloquently in public, exuding influence and authority through the message you convey. It also allows the audience to trust the message you are trying to pass.

4. Passionate

As a tech entrepreneur cum international speaker, you must have a passion for whatever you do. Being passionate allows you to remain enthusiastic as you present your ideas. The emotion may rub off on your audience, allowing them to resonate while the message you convey. A passionate speaker can inspire and attract a diverse audience and change them for the better.

5. Knowledgeable

Your audience will expect that you will deliver unique messages and ideas. They yearn for a fresh perspective that will propel them to a better self. You may need to settle for an area of expertise that you can comfortably speak on. Raffy Pendery offers tips for entrepreneurs through his speeches, blog, and other resources. An easy way to hack it is by staying true to yourself and your beliefs.

As a top paid international speaker, Raffy believes anyone can learn and hone their skills to become better at public speaking. While these are only five examples, many vital traits define successful international speakers. For more information on how to make your speeches relatable, motivating, and inspiring, reach out to Rafferty Pendery here.

finding a business partner

The Dos and Don’ts of Finding a Business Partner

Nov 30, 2020

Approximately 22.5% percent of all startups fail within the year of operation. What’s more, a recent study shows 82% of businesses fail due to poor cash flow management. Tech entrepreneurs must focus on their expenditure and revenue streams to ensure a healthy financial status. But there is another vital aspect to focus on: their business partners.

The persons or companies you bring on-board can directly impact your success or be a roadmap to hell. As a successful tech entrepreneur, VC, and international speaker, Raffy Pendery continues to invest in value-added partnerships to propel his business interests. Here is a detailed guide on the dos and don’ts of finding a business partner.

Do: Match Values

It is essential to choose a business partner who has similar goals and interests. Working with like-minded individuals is a recipe for success. Start by setting goals for your company before outlining responsibilities for each partner. Watch out for personality conflicts that may create a stumbling block to determining your business goals and values.

Don’t: Seek a Partner for the Wrong Reasons

The first step to finding a business partner is to ask yourself the question: why? Conduct a personal evaluation and establish objective reasons for getting into a merger or partnership. Creating a list of merits and demerits may help paint a clearer picture.

Do: Look for Complementary Skills

Find the yin to your yang, as they say. You should only bring in a partner if they have a complementary skill or capital. Evaluate your skills to find out your strengths and weaknesses. If, as a digital entrepreneur, you find yourself short in selling your products, look out for a marketing guru as a partner. Complementing skill sets can make up for the extra work needed to find common ground.

Don’t: Agree to Unequal Commitments

One of the most common entrepreneur mistakes is a lack of balance in commitments to the business. Unequal partnerships breed bitterness, which is a surefire path to sinking the business. When finding a business partner, ask the potential candidate-specific questions on the role they intend to play within the company. While it isn’t a legal requirement to file for equal partnerships, take it up as a practical reason to ensure your agreement will not turn into an ugly mess.

Do: Have an Exit Strategy

When finding a business partner, ensure that the individual or company understands and agrees to an exit strategy. Settling on an exit strategy clears the way for a smooth transition if the partnership fails. You may settle on the different options such as:

  • Selling to third parties
  • Taking the company public
  • Passing ownership in exchange for a significant buyout

Don’t: Settle for a Gentleman’s Agreement

While handshake deals are quite common, it is wiser to have a founder’s agreement drafted by an attorney. Without a written contract, you may have a challenge in dealing with issues that arise later on. The only other option may be an expensive civil lawsuit, which may drag on for years. Avoid any individual hesitant to put the agreement in writing.

Value-added partnerships are excellent recipes for the success of any business. They can help you finance, grow or even expand your business to global levels. With this guide, you can now find invaluable individuals for your business operations and those you should avoid.

raffy pendery

7 Qualities to Look for in a Business Partner

Nov 10, 2020

Successful entrepreneurs like Raffy Pendery have broken new grounds in business through value-added partnerships. Having a partner can boost your business prospects, but it could also lead to chronic problems and endless disputes. In this article, we look at some of the essential qualities to look for.

1. Unique Entrepreneurial Skills

When you are starting a business, you may lack some of the essential skills that could make the venture successful. One of the main objectives of finding a business partner is to fill the skills gap by hiring someone with unique abilities.

One of the common entrepreneur mistakes is to settle for someone who has the same exact skills as you. For the partnership to be successful, it must complement both parties. By combining your unique skills, you can overcome many of the initial challenges that may come your way.

2. Passion and Motivation

Entrepreneurs like Raffy Pendery are passionate about what they do. So, it makes sense to find someone who has the same level of passion. You don’t want to work with a partner who you will have to push to fulfill their end of the bargain. They should also be self-driven and motivated to push the business forward at all times.

3. Compatibility

Even though both of you may have a unique skill set, there needs to be a sense of genuine respect between you. That means that you value your partner’s contribution, skills, and concerns, and vice versa.

When there is a strong partnership built on respect, the company can blow through the obstacles. And when you attain success, you’ll be there to celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

4. Capability to Network

When unveiling a new product or service, businessmen like Raffy Pendery tap into their networking circles for leads. When you are in the process of finding a business partner, you may want to consider someone with valuable contacts. A well-connected entrepreneur can help take your business beyond its current market boundaries. Their networks can also help with financing or other aspects of the business that you are not yet aware you need.

5. Communication Skills

Effective communication is an essential part of running the day-to-day operations of any business. Some decisions can be controversial, so it is important to communicate not to be misunderstood than to be understood. You can’t have a situation where the right hand does not know what the left one is doing.

6. Creative and Open-Minded

Whether you are a marketer or tech entrepreneur, your company will have to incorporate new ideas to be successful. An ideal partner should contribute business ideas and help you resolve conflict. They also need to be open-minded so that it is easy to share and discuss new groundbreaking strategies. That way, you are not constrained to doing business the way it has always been done, as this can stifle growth.

7. Professionalism and Ethics

If you are interviewing individuals to partner in your business, you’ll need to evaluate their sense of professionalism and ethics. You should share the same standards on business practices, compliance, and respect for clients. If there your ethical standards mismatch, that could be a source of endless conflicts that could lead to business failure.

Get the Right Partner

There are many good reasons to find a business partner. However, if you’re not careful, you could make mistakes that could cost you your venture. Entrepreneurs like Raffy Pendery encourage startups to find mentors to guide them at different building stages. There are always great insights you can tap from experienced entrepreneurs.

entrepreneur tips

Entrepreneur Tips: 5 Public Speaking Mistakes to Avoid

Nov 7, 2020

Do you dream of giving a memorable speech that wows audiences? There are many ways your business can benefit from an engaging presentation. Here are some top entrepreneur tips on things to avoid when giving a speech.

1. Writing a Vague Speech

It is possible for public speakers to feel that they have a firm grasp of the topic they are about to share. But when they get to the podium, they fumble as they try to explain their ideas with clarity.

So, your talk needs to be coherent to sustain interest in the subject you’ll be discussing. One of the top entrepreneur tips for public speaking is to write down the idea in one sentence. If you cannot reduce the topic down to a sentence or two, the chances are that your speech will be vague.

2. Not Using Real-Life Examples

As an expert in your field, you may assume that the audience can consume the theoretical work you present. However, the concept could be too hard for your audience to follow.

Regardless of the technicalities of the subject, you can always boost the impact of the speech with stories. You can go through case studies and research reports to find real-life experiences for your talk. You can split the supporting material into personal anecdotes, statistics, and stories.

3. Having a Predictable Start

The start of your talk has the potential to make or break the rest of the speech. So when you begin with a predictable statement, you risk losing your audience.

If you’re a businessman, you can open the talk by posing a question. Or you may tell a personal story that is relatable before sharing a list of entrepreneur tips with your audience. Whatever you do, always ensure that you captivate the audience from the very beginning. It is very hard to get them back once you have lost them at the start.

4. Not Engaging the Audience

The best-paid international speakers try to avoid coming out as preachy. They say that people tend to recall the emotions you invoked through your speech rather than the details. Avoid talking to your audience in a way that will make them feel like you’re telling them off.

One of the top entrepreneur tips for making your speech more engaging is to involve the audience. You may plan some fun activities for the presentation to demonstrate an idea or show the practicality of a product. You may also interest your listeners with a video presentation. After that, you can request comments before giving your views. Above ensure that you make your presentation in one way or another. That way, the audience will remember it in the long run.

5. Not Rehearsing Adequately

The finest public speakers are always working on perfecting different aspects of their craft. They understand the implications of body language, posture, and voice projection, among other factors.

Practice makes perfect. It is not wise to stop practicing when you feel you’ve gotten better. Rehearsing the speech should be a continuing part of the process of improving your public speaking skills.

Perfect Your Public Speaking Skills

There is a lot of information on public speaking you can get from a wide range of sources. Remember to focus on proven techniques and strategies to address the weaknesses in your speech delivery. You should consider hiring a coach to guide you with tested tips and tricks for entrepreneurs.

Should BFFs Become Business Partners? What New Entrepreneurs Should Consider

Nov 5, 2020

On our entrepreneurship blog, we previously shared some tips for picking the right business partner. But one of the most obvious options when finding a business partner is to look to your existing friends. After all, your best friend may know you better than anyone and share your passions, making them a natural fit for your business. But while this may seem like a great idea in the beginning, it can turn out to be one of the biggest entrepreneur mistakes you’ll make.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to go into business with a close friend is up to you — and whether or not it will succeed depends on a number of factors. But if you’re wondering how to start a business with your BFF, here are a few considerations to keep in mind before you forge ahead.

entrepreneurship blog

You Can Build a Business Based on Trust and Common Interests

If you attempt to find a business partner out of the blue, it can be tough to figure out who you can trust. If you entrust the wrong person, you could end up getting burned. While that still may be true for friends who go into business together, your existing relationship can mean that you don’t have to waste time getting to know each other and your respective business styles. What’s more, you’ll probably have a better idea of what your friend is passionate about and will know whether emotional buy-in already exists. Not only will your friend want your business to succeed for their sake, but they’ll also be invested to ensure you succeed.

Your Friend Can Provide Balance and Create a More Complete Partnership

One of the most important tips for entrepreneurs is that you should pick a business partner who can offer what you can’t. If you decide to go into business with a friend, you’re probably already very familiar with their main strengths and weaknesses. If you know that they excel in places you lack, this can actually be of huge benefit to your venture. As part of your partnership, the two of you will provide a sense of balance to each other and bring out the best in each other. That’s assuming, however, that this is the dynamic of your friendship. If you frequently find yourself in a spat with your friend or you’re too much alike, this may not bode well for your business. If you team up with a friend, make sure that their temperament and business style complements yours and makes up for what you may not have.

Business Partnerships Based on Friendship Have Higher Stakes

Although 80% of small businesses started n 2014 made it to their second year, there’s no guarantee that your business will survive. And if your business fails, it’s also possible that your friendship could end as a result. Working together can bring out other sides of each person; if you don’t have a solid plan in place to ensure communications are productive, it’s possible that working together could damage your friendship. If you do decide to go ahead and go into business together, make sure you’re both on the same page about the state of your friendship and come to an agreement to keep work and personal lives separate.

As our entrepreneurship blog shows, going into business isn’t an easy task. And while starting a venture with your friend can be an excellent idea, it’s one that should be carefully considered first. For more tips and tricks for startups and visionaries, check out our entrepreneurship blog.

tech entrepreneur advice

5 Reasons Public Speaking Is Essential for Startup Entrepreneurs

Nov 3, 2020

Research shows that about 69% of entrepreneurs start their venture at home. As more people transition to working remotely, public speaking may not seem critical for business.

However, it is wise for entrepreneurs to hone their public speaking skills. Regardless of your industry, you can share your entrepreneurial journey or give tips on fashion or offer tech entrepreneur advice. Here are five ways it can be beneficial for your career and business.

1. It Is a Valuable Soft Skill

Public speaking is a soft skill that most employers require today when recruiting new members of staff. It is a powerful form of communication, especially when you need to reach out to a large group of people.

As a business person, there are many ways public speaking will positively impact your venture. It will boost your confidence when talking about your ideas to the press or at conferences. Personalities like Rafferty Pendery have been making connections with industry leaders by giving talks and tech entrepreneur advice.

2. It Helps You Publicize Your Expertise

As a public speaker, you can set yourself apart from your competition by giving talks at conferences and industry events. Many international speakers are making an impact by sharing their personal stories and their journey.

Rafferty Pendery started his first company when he was 11. He currently provides tech entrepreneur advice and solutions to Fortune 500 businesses. But he also experienced failure before he became successful. By sharing both the positive and negative aspects of your experiences, you make the presentation more relatable.

3. It Helps You Popularize Your Profile and Brand

Public speaking creates many opportunities to talk to clients and potential business partners. Giving an impactful talk on tech entrepreneur advice can create a buzz for your ideas, skills, and experience. You can soft sell your brand, which can be more persuasive than cold-pitching to clients.

The presentation may prompt business prospects to search your brand online, and it may generate clicks for your tech blog. If your message is aligning with the relevant audiences, you can capitalize on the attention to popularize your brand.

4. It Helps You Network with Other Professionals

Public speaking not only puts your skills and ideas out there, but it also gives you insights into your clients. For example, after a tech entrepreneur advice presentation at a conference, you may get follow-up questions from the audience.

Such queries can allow you to see their perspective on the solutions you are presenting. You can use the feedback to gauge their level of understanding on a given subject. The information can enhance your presentation when you appear for conferences in the future.

5. It Helps You Sharpen Your Communication Skills

Taking part in public speaking events will prepare you to come up with ideas for a better presentation. As the business grows, you’ll be reaching out to a bigger market, and so you should always be ready. As it is with any skill, the more you practice, the better you will get.

tech entrepreneur advice

Entrepreneurs can benefit a great deal by working on their public speaking skills. Whether you are giving a talk on health or tech entrepreneur advice, it can positively impact your business. Remember that practice is essential for honing and perfecting your craft. With time, you’ll build confidence and sharpen your communication skills until it is no longer a challenge for you.