Tips for Becoming an International Speaker

Jul 17, 2020

You may have started your own business or you may be considering becoming an entrepreneur, but one of the most common entrepreneur mistakes you can make is not being prepared for international speaking. Regardless if it is one of your long term goals for your business, you should consider dabbling in international speaking. Listed below are some tips for helping you become an international speaker.

Practice Public Speaking

One of the biggest tips for avoiding entrepreneur mistakes when it comes to international speaking is to practice public speaking. However, this aspect is often overlooked and can lead to the speaker developing speech anxiety after they have already traveled to their speaking location. Three out of four people experience speech anxiety. This is why it is important to practice public speaking before you make the jump to international speaking. Go to local events and speak locally. This will also help to build your rapport.

Learn From Other Speakers

While it is not always beneficial to compare yourself to your competition, studying the competition can provide you with much-needed education. Attending speaking events can help you to understand how the events play out. You can watch how the speaker interacts with the crowd. Perhaps their slideshow does not work effectively during the event and they come up with a solution on the spot. This quick solution may also save you at some point down the line. Bring a journal to these events and jot down any ideas you may have to help you when you become a paid international speaker.

Practice a Foreign Language

International speaking involves traveling to places you may have never been to before, as well as experiencing a culture that may be different from your own. Learning how to speak some basic words and phrases in another language can help you navigate your new location, as well as connect with more people. You may be more sought after for international speaking if you can speak somewhat fluently in the native language, as this would open up your audience pool. However, just knowing some basic phrases can show that you are interested in appealing to that audience and are dedicated to learning.

International speaking can feel like an overwhelming goal to have at times. While it is not for the faint of heart, it can be very beneficial for your business. Remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to public speaking.

Tech Entrepreneur Advice On Getting Started

Jul 10, 2020

Becoming a tech entrepreneur partner is still one of the best ways to find success as a tech entrepreneur. If you missed the first great wave of successful tech entrepreneurs, you still have plenty of time to find the success that you are searching for within the tech industry.

By following a few simple suggestions you can avoid most of the common entrepreneur mistakes and get the ROI that you are hoping for. Your first step as a tech entrepreneur partner is to find the right people to partner with.

Did I Miss The Wave?

In the late 1990s through the early 2000s the tech industry was really booming. Many of the familiar names in the tech industry were born during this period. Many entrepreneurs worry that they may have missed the boom and it may be too late to become a tech entrepreneur partner. The fact is there is no better time than right now to get into the industry.

It was risky business investing in tech industries in the early days, today it is a much safer environment because it is well established, and presents with much less risk. Of course, the same advice holds true when it comes to how to become a tech entrepreneur now as it did in the early days:

  • Find a tech entrepreneur partner that shares a similar vision as your own. Working with partners can be difficult if you are not on the same page with the same vision.
  • Plan on staying the course. Consider being a tech entrepreneur a long term commitment. If you are able to generate a nice ROI quickly great, but more likely you will have to stick around for a while.
  • The old saying if it sounds too good to be true it isn’t, may not apply. As a tech entrepreneur partner, you have to be a bit of a dreamer sometimes.

We have all heard the stories about the overnight millionaires in the tech industry, but the fact is, even those companies that took their business public and made a ton of cash, had to put in a lot of hard work to get there. Slow and steady typically wins the race when it comes to any type of investment including tech.

The best tech entrepreneur advice you ever hear is if you believe in it, stick with it. Every tech entrepreneur before you will tell you that to get to where they are they had to overcome a lot of doubt and make the decision to stick with their plan.

how to start a business

How Do I Start a Business?

Jul 2, 2020

Starting a business is no simple feat and many entrepreneurs are born from trial and error, along with patience. However, there are some basics that many new entrepreneurs can start with when they are considering learning how to start a business. We will discuss common entrepreneur mistakes and tips for how to avoiding entrepreneur mistakes, as well as important things to consider.

how to start a business

Start with Your Interests

What are you genuinely interested in? When starting a business, uncovering your interests is often a great place to start. Finding what you are interested in can help you determine other interests you may have. This could lead you to discover unique avenues to take for your business that will still bring you satisfaction. It also helps to organize your priorities during this time. Perhaps, your business will not entirely pique your interest, but it satisfies many of your top priorities which will make it worth it to you in the long run. Learn about what you are willing to sacrifice and what you value along the way.

Speak with Others in Your Intended Field

Once you have settled into your area of expertise for your business, it is important to speak to others who have made a business out of it. These people may eventually be your competition, but it is important to gauge how they run their businesses. This may help you determine whether or not this path is the right one for you. Add these people to your network and ask them important questions when the time arises. For instance, you may want to ask them how they got to where they are today or if they would share their resume with you.

Always be Open to Learning

In the entire world, there are 582 million entrepreneurs. There will always be something new that you can learn, especially when it comes to learning how to start a business. New information and new experiences are put out every day, which can be valuable tools for education. Keep an open mind when going into new situations and be open to new ideas that may come from others.

These tips for entrepreneurs were created in order to help individuals navigate starting a new business. The creation of a new business can feel overwhelming, but taking it one step at a time is key.

how to succeed as a tech entrepreneur

How to Succeed as a Tech Entrepreneur

Jul 1, 2020

Entrepreneurship is not, by any means, an easy road to go down. However, it is one of the most rewarding. Successful entrepreneurship takes more than just dedication and patience, it takes know-how. Equipping yourself with tried and true tips of the trade can help you to learn how to succeed as a tech entrepreneur.


how to succeed as a tech entrepreneur

One of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur is to network and then network some more. You may hear the importance of networking everywhere you turn. However, it may be difficult to know how one should exactly go about it. There are actually many different ways that you can begin networking yourself. The first mode is to reach out to your friends and family. Let them know what it is that you do and what problems you solve. If they do not have an immediate need for your services, they may know of someone who does. You will also want to attend networking events or events that feature speakers. You may also want to look into being an international speaker yourself. These events may focus on one individual, but then allow a few hours for everyone at the event to converse. This is your time to stand out.

Build a Presence in the Community

Learning how to succeed as a tech entrepreneur will also involve knowing how to utilize your community. Many entrepreneurs overlook the needs of their local community. 69% of entrepreneurs will start their businesses from their home. This means that is important not to erase those who live locally from the bigger picture, although they might not be your intended end goal. Your local community can provide you with an invaluable foundation to build up from. Become a face in your community by attending local events, sponsoring fundraisers, or sharing local posts. This helps to put a face to the business.

Utilize Social Media

Common entrepreneur mistakes can sometimes center around the use of social media. It is not enough to just make social media profiles, as you also have to know how to properly use them. One of the first basic steps for the digital entrepreneur is to narrow in on your demographic. Who is it that will benefit from your services? Sometimes, it helps to jot down information about this potential customer. This can help you streamline your social media content and better target your intended audience.

Avoiding entrepreneur mistakes can seem like a daunting task and learning how to succeed as a tech entrepreneur may feel like an out of reach goal. While everyone will make mistakes along their journey, entrepreneurs are best known for learning from them quickly and making the necessary adjustments to secure success. These tips will help you to continue progressing as an entrepreneur.