Once you have thought of that once-in-a-lifetime idea and have researched how to become a tech entrepreneur and how to start a business, the first step you will need to take is securing startup funding. Richard Harroch, a venture capitalist, has said, “It’s almost always harder to raise capital than you thought it would be, and it always takes longer. So plan for that.”

For instance, many new businesses require funding for legal work, logo design, and other expenses. Figuring out the best way to fund your business can be difficult and there are many entrepreneur mistakes you will want to avoid.

Entrepreneur Tips

It often requires a great deal of capital to turn your dream idea into a real business, but you likely do not have thousands of dollars lying around in savings or know others who are willing to gamble away their hard-earned cash. These are a few entrepreneur tips for those looking to raise money for their small business.


Most entrepreneurs start by self-funding, a method also known as bootstrapping. Regardless of the amount, there are numerous benefits to investing in yourself. In the future, potential investors will like to see that you incurred monetary risk. Many entrepreneurs bootstrap further by forgoing a salary, tapping into their retirement savings, and taking a side job to earn a living while their business is in its early stages.

Friends and Family

If your friends and family are willing to help fund and grow your small business, this path can provide several advantages. Family and close friends are often willing to invest in their familiarity with you as a person, while larger investors often require evidence of an established and profitable company. Over 30% of startups receive funding from family and friends, totaling over $60 billion every year, more than angel investors and venture capitalists combined, according to Upcounsel.com. To avoid common entrepreneur mistakes, make sure you have a written agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of these investments.


Crowdfunding has recently and rapidly become one of the most popular ways to fund a small business. To be eligible for crowdfunding, you must be able to offer a product, service, or incentive in exchange for a small amount of funding. Since this is viewed as a pre-sale instead of an investment, contributors do not receive equity and the process is not regulated by the SEC. However, equity crowdfunding is an option as well, which allows you to receive small investments. This means your contributors will become shareholders with dividend and voting rights as outlined in your agreement.

Practice Public Speaking

Many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of public speaking and presenting when funding their small business. Along the way, you will likely have to develop and utilize your skills as a public speaker to give presentations and pitch to potential funders. But don’t sweat it, research has found that content is not nearly as important as delivery during a speech or presentation. Surveys have found that content only accounts for 7% of a good presentation. Therefore, it is important to practice the fundamentals of effective public speaking, such as talking points, knowing your audience, eye contact, appropriate pace, and rehearsing. Non-verbal communication accounts for 55% of an effective presentation, while voice accounts for 38%.

Most people are eager to be involved in something special. If not, they can be easily convinced. By utilizing your skills as a public speaker and avoiding entrepreneur mistakes, these entrepreneur tips will help you fund your business and achieve your dreams.