You have a great business idea that you know will make an impact on the market. Running a business alone can be tough, especially if you are new to it. Even though there are those things you can handle on your own, can you run the entire business on your alone?

You may want to consider getting someone with the right skills and passion to help you. Otherwise, you risk burnout, even before your project starts. Finding a business partner is one thing, but getting someone with the right vision and skills in tech is another.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the challenges you’ll face when trying to hire contract coders, tech partners, or technical director.

Initial Research

You may start by doing a lot of research before you can even begin shortlisting candidates. You can explore websites such as Built-In, Founder2be, Angel List, Co-Founders Lab, amongst others. Most of the resources are free to use.

The next step is to make a point of meeting your potential founders face-to-face. Don’t forget to network with people at the events you attend. Talk to the organizer of the meetup and pitch your presentation. As a public speaker, you can attract a lot of attention, which could pull in potential business partners.

Tech entrepreneurs have launched successful ventures that were driven purely by passion. If you have such a drive, you need someone that will meet you at the same level. Sometimes you can hang on to skills and abilities, and end up getting the wrong match.

If you are a person with a lot of passion, you’ll be better off finding someone based on their personality, interests, and preference. Skills can be updated, but a lack of vision and a discordant personality often end up being problematic.

Defining Your Tech Partner

Tech entrepreneurs have to be organized and ready to handle multiple issues as they arise. Your idea may involve many moving parts that need technical expertise. Finding the right person is not easy.

Take time to clearly define the function and responsibilities of the kind of partner you want. You can choose from three main options; CTO, Senior Programmer, or Tech Partner.

  • Tech Partner: Has the same skills as the co-founder, and shares the same vision. It could be a friend who shares the same passion or someone who has the expertise to take the company in the right direction. It can be a suitable option if you are launching and haven’t come up with a clear roadmap.
  • Senior Programmer: They usually have a lot of experience and skills in programming and web design. They have an understanding of the architecture and supporting platforms. They are best suited for a startup with a clear direction, but without a lot to offer.
  • CTO (Chief Technical Officer): They have a broader range of skills that you will need as a tech entrepreneur to start your own company. They have programming skills that they learned working on other successful ventures. However, they often demand a sizable technical salary.

There are several options you can choose when finding a business partner for your tech idea. You may choose to go it alone or hire a programmer or CTO. You need to be realistic about the kind of talent you want for your business. You can prevent a lot of issues by doing lots of research before making any major decisions.

In Conclusion

There are many entrepreneurs who have started successful businesses on their own, including Rafferty Pendery. As the tech entrepreneur Florida trusts, you can rely on his guidance to help your business or blog take off. After all, starting a business on your own can be daunting and nerve-wracking. Take time to research and vet your potential partners to avoid sticky issues down the line. Contact Rafferty Pendery today for more information!