If you’re terrified of public speaking, you aren’t alone. For many people just the thought of getting up in front of a crowd causes anxiety. 

In fact, fear of public speaking is regarded as the number one biggest fear in the United States. Heights, bugs, and drowning are no match for the fear many people have when it comes to public speaking. 

But it is possible to overcome your fear of public speaker and become a great international speaker. Too many people believe they are just not cut out for public speaking so give up trying. 

The truth is, you can be afraid and still succeed. Here’s how to perfect the craft of public speaking. 

Shake Hands With The Fear 

First things first: It’s natural to be afraid of public speaking. Many people generate more fear and anxiety by judging their feelings and trying to stuff them. 

But since many people fear public speaking, it is not abnormal to be afraid. As Nelson Mandella said, “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Allow yourself to be afraid, acknowledge those feelings, and move on. The first step in overcoming the fear of public speaking is actually giving yourself permission to be afraid. 

Get In Touch With Your Body 

Have you ever rehearsed a presentation over and over again and mastered the material? Sometimes it seems the more you practice, the more you generate the fear of public speaking.

What’s even worse is that it doesn’t work. The great international speaker doesn’t get that way by rote memorization. 

Instead, practice your body language. How does your body feel and respond when you are relaxed? 

If you can practice your posture, your gestures, your walking and talking style you are well on your way to becoming a better speaker. 

The secret is in practicing how you say things, not just what you say. 

Practice How You Feel 

You want to be a better speaker and overcome your fear. But do you know where and how you feel fear in your body when you speak?

Just as important: Do you know how you would feel without that fear? And how would your body feel if you were giving a great and engaging presentation

Just as practicing your body language is important, so is practicing your feelings. Meditating on the feelings you would have while giving a great talk are as important as focusing on content. 

Practice Makes Perfect for The International Speaker 

If you are scared to death of public speaking it is something you probably avoid at all costs. But part of overcoming the fear of speaking is practicing. 

You will find the results are different and you are a better international speaker if you work on the above recommendations. 

Rather than running from the chance to give a talk, it is time to run toward the opportunity. 

Start locally and move internationally. Find out more now about how to become more comfortable with public speaking.