The best tech entrepreneurs know more than just how to run their business and sell their products. They also know how to speak. With three out of four people suffering from speech anxiety, combining acute business acumen with effective public speaking is easier said than done. While you won’t be able to become a renowned international speaker overnight, you can start by knowing what qualities it takes. Discover the top qualities of international public speakers and you will soon be on the way to embodying these characteristics yourself.

Focusing on the message, not the money

While becoming a paid international speaker wouldn’t be a bad thing for most people, it shouldn’t be the driving force behind you getting on stage. If you’re mostly concentrated on what you can get out of the endeavor, you won’t be putting your efforts behind your message and that will show. Without a good message, you’ll never make that coveted cash or grow your business in any way.

Effectively marketing yourself

Once you feel like you’ve nailed the right message, you need to have the initiative to start promoting yourself. Add “speaker” on all of your social media profiles and build a website specifically for this role. To position yourself as a trustworthy source, you’ll want to constantly release content by blogging, making videos, and writing guest posts for other sites. Remember to also talk to others in person about your speaking engagements. Even in this tech-driven world, word of mouth can still be a very effective marketing tool.

Constantly Improve Your Speaking Skills

All of your other efforts will be useless if you can’t capture audiences with your speaking skills. Even if you think that your skills are pretty good, it can be worthwhile to hire a speaking coach and read professional resources on effective public speaking. You can also record yourself giving a speech and watch it to observe your body language, hand gestures, and speaking habits. This may feel strange, but this strategy makes it easy for you to spot places where you can improve.

Being an international speaker can present you with many opportunities, both for yourself and for your business. Contact Rafferty Pendery to find out more about how you can start your journey today.